Collection of the best quality pictures/images of Third Reich personalities taken from the internet and books

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hauptmann Horst Trebes (1916-1944)

800 x 533 pixels - 80,2 KB
Horst Trebes with Cretan civilian at Kondomari, 2 June 1941

350 x 600 pixels - 50,8 KB
Horst Trebes

800 x 533 pixels - 99,8 KB
Horst Trebes with his Fallschirmjäger at Kondomari, 2 June 1941

528 x 800 pixels - 74 KB
Horst Trebes with Cretan civilian at Kondomari, 2 June 1941

534 x 800 pixels - 72,1 KB
Horst Trebes with his Fallschirmjäger at Kondomari, 2 June 1941

800 x 532 pixels - 78,2 KB
Horst Trebes with Cretan civilian at Kondomari, 2 June 1941

536 x 800 pixels - 63,1 KB
Horst Trebes as Oberleutnant (right) with Hauptmann Walter Gericke in Maleme airfield at Crete, 9 July 1941

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Major Helmut Wick (1915-1940)

480 x 616 pixels - 66,3 KB
Helmut Wick

580 x 800 pixels - 52,7 KB
Hauptmann Helmut Wick describes his successful last fight to his comrades, where he scored five victories against the British's Spitfires

586 x 800 pixels - 58,8 KB
Hauptmann Helmut Wick describes his successful last fight to his comrades, where he scored five victories against the British's Spitfires. On the right is the Luftwaffe ace, Erich Leie

Source :

Oberleutnant Wolfgang Schenck

554 x 800 pixels - 45,6 KB
Wolfgang Schenck

Führer Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

624 x 900 pixels - 31,4 KB
Adolf Hitler in a posed Hoffmann portrait shot

645 x 897 pixels - 32,2 KB
Adolf Hitler in a posed Hoffmann portrait shot

1092 x 938 pixels - 96,2 KB
Adolf Hitler in Ostmark, reviewing the troops. Generaloberst Wilhelm Keitel is to his left

784 x 1240 pixels - 60,1 KB
Adolf Hitler on the deck of the German battleship DEUTSCHLAND near Memel. Behind Hitler is Luftwaffe Generalmajor Karl-Heinrich Bodenschatz

878 x 1276 pixels - 136 KB
Adolf Hitler rendering a salute at the funeral of Surgeon General Dr. Gerhard Wagner on 27 March 1939

Source :

Major Theodor Weissenberger (1914-1950)

481 x 640 pixels - 36,2 KB
Theodor Weissenberger

472 x 651 pixels - 49,1 KB
Theodor Weissenberger

570 x 800 pixels - 65,1 KB
Gruppenkommandeur Hauptmann Theodor Weißenberger on 4 October 1944

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

General der Artillerie Walther Lucht (1882-1949)

569 x 800 pixels - 67,7 KB
Generalleutnant Walther Lucht in Poland with Heer officers

559 x 800 pixels - 53,4 KB
Generalleutnant Walther Lucht after Ritterkreuz ceremony

582 x 800 pixels - 74,7 KB
Walther Lucht as officer of Legion Condor in Spanish Civil War

General der Infanterie Ernst Ulrich Hans von Leyser (1889-1962)S

590 x 800 pixels - 41,7 KB
Ernst von Leyser